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Using Japanese with Orama

At the time of writing, Orama supports Japanese via a custom tokenizer, which is part of the @orama/tokenizers package.


The Japanese tokenizer is a compiled WASM from the lindera Rust project. It can be quite large and its usage on the browser is discouraged.

To get started, make sure to install all the dependencies you need:

npm i @orama/orama @orama/tokenizers

If you want to add Japanese stop-words as well, install the @orama/stopwords package too:

npm i @orama/stopwords

Now you're ready to get started with Orama:

import { create, insert, search } from '@orama/orama'
import { createTokenizer } from '@orama/tokenizers'
import { stopwords as japaneseStopwords } from '@orama/stopwords/japanese'

const db = await create({
  schema: {
    name: 'string'
  components: {
    tokenizer: await createTokenizer({
      stopWords: japaneseStopwords

await insert(db, { name: '東京' }) // Tokyo
await insert(db, { name: '大阪' }) // Osaka
await insert(db, { name: '京都' }) // Kyoto
await insert(db, { name: '横浜' }) // Yokohama
await insert(db, { name: '札幌' }) // Sapporo
await insert(db, { name: '仙台' }) // Sendai
await insert(db, { name: '広島' }) // Hiroshima
await insert(db, { name: '東京大学' }) // University of Tokyo
await insert(db, { name: '京都大学' }) // Kyoto University
await insert(db, { name: '大阪大学' }) // Osaka University

const results = await search(db, {
  term: '大阪',
  threshold: 0


// {
//   "elapsed": {
//     "raw": 89554625,
//     "formatted": "89ms"
//   },
//   "hits": [
//     {
//       "id": "36666208-3",
//       "score": 4.210224897276653,
//       "document": {
//         "name": "大阪"
//       }
//     },
//     {
//       "id": "36666208-10",
//       "score": 1.9335268122510698,
//       "document": {
//         "name": "大阪大学"
//       }
//     }
//   ],
//   "count": 2
// }